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Wine, wine and more wine in the shade of Yburg Castle

Located at the foot of the imposing Yburg Castle and surrounded by green vineyards, the tranquil Varnhalt wine village is our third Rebland community. The hands on the clock seem to move much more slowly here, just a few minutes’ drive from Baden-Baden, with a view of the nearby Black Forest highlands. Time is reserved for our guests alone – time to experience the pleasures of life in this charming region, where wine enjoyment is the order of the day.

For hundreds of years, everything has revolved around viticulture and wine trade in Varnhalt – and who can resist a quarter-litre sample with a small snack at one of our cosy wine taverns?
The Nägelsförsterhof winery is well known far beyond the borders of Rebland, and has been producing the best Riesling wines here on the western slopes of Yberg Mountain since 1588. Wine connoisseurs enjoy the Steingrübler and Klosterbergfelsen wines in particular. A young generation of winemakers in Varnhalt is breaking new ground with their boutique winery, reinventing enjoyment in the process.

Did you know ...

... how the Rebland community of Varnhalt got its name? It has nothing to do with the ever-present wine in any case. As hard as it may be to believe, the small town used to be called ‘Varnhalde’ because the village was full of ferns (‘Farn’ in German).